

Geology 2018-03-18T11:46:14+00:00

Leverage a comprehensive understanding of your geology to improve the economic viability of your project

Geological mapping is fundamental to the discovery of a mineral deposit and providing the context within which all other datasets can be understood and interpreted. A good understanding of the deposit geology is important for establishing the viability of a mining operation.

We leverage our extensive worldwide experience and systematic approach to exploration and mining geology to help you reduce exploration and mining risk.

Our staff have fifteen to over thirty years of experience on exploration and mining experience in Australia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, West Africa, Europe, North America and Central America. This includes the discovery, exploration and development of eight gold, copper and barite mines in Southeast Asia, and three gold mines in West Africa. Our geological services include:

  • Satellite image analysis and remote sensing interpretation
  • Regional to prospect scale lithological mapping
  • Prospect scale mapping of alteration and mineralisation
  • Regional to prospect scale structural mapping
  • Geological logging of drill cores and chips
  • 3D geological modelling

All geological programmes are designed, implemented and reported according to the guidelines of JORC and NI 43-101.